Academic Rags to Riches: New Brunswick Loyalist Story Mapping Project

“I need a job” says one bleary eyed and impoverished student to another; “one that is within my academic field.” However, in order to eventually get that dream job instead of a nightmare career (where the employee watches the clock tick to 4:30 with hungry eyes and assumes the running position), a person needs experience. What does “experience” even mean, and why is a student’s degree not enough?

Naming Culture in the Book of Negroes

The naming of an individual can offer insight into the worldview of the name giver, including perspective on their religious, national, ethnic, and gender identities. The culture of people of African descent in North America during the eighteenth century is particularly difficult to research using the standard historical record because of their lack of representation among written documents.

Smallpox and Fear of Inoculation

Children suffering in any form will always cause a reaction from parents and making the right choice isn’t always easy.  It was no different when Dr. John Jeffries inoculated children at the hospital on Georges Island near Halifax, Nova Scotia in the eighteenth century.
