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Loyalist History On the Ground in Kings County, New Brunswick, Part 1

Land Grant map Kings County
Land grant map showing of a portion of Hampton, and Rothesay, New Brunswick, with markers to indicate locations where the author travelled.
(Image courtesy of the Provincial Archives of New Brunswick)

I recently attended an event in the Hampton area of New Brunswick, and I decided to use the opportunity to locate some of the physical locations for loyalists I had been researching in Kings County over the past year: Gabriel Fowler, Alexander Fairchild, and Jonathan Ketchum. I was very interested to get a sense “on the ground” of both the geographic location and physical challenges they may have faced during their relocation to New Brunswick following the American Revolution. In preparation, I was able to use land grant maps (seen above) to match grant locations with their modern counterparts. Armed with both historical and Google maps, I was ready for an adventure.

For my first stop, I took advantage of a lunch break to follow the Hammond River from Smithtown to French Village, where I was easily able to find St. Andrew’s Anglican Church perched on a hill just above the river. The church is located on a plot that was first granted to Josiah Fowler, and adjoined by land owned by his son, Gabriel Fowler, originally of Harrison, Westchester County, New York.

St. Andrews French Village
St. Andrew’s Anglican Church, French Village, New Brunswick. Built on the original grant of Josiah Fowler, adjacent to his son, Gabriel Fowler’s, grant overlooking the Hammond River. (Credit: Leah Grandy, UNB Libraries)

I was able to get a clear impression of the landscape, and why Gabriel Fowler petitioned for additional land plots to supplement his original grant. The Fowlers’ grants were long and narrow starting at the river and extending back into wooded lots like many other colonial grants in the Maritimes. These particular lots were steep and rocky; indeed, the church and cemetery are on quite a slope. The valley land directly alongside the Hammond River still looks very pastoral and fertile.

St. Andrews Cemetery
The cemetery of St. Andrew’s Anglican Church on what was a Fowler family grant, looking down on the Hammond River.
(Credit: Leah Grandy, UNB Libraries)
Grave St. Andrews
Interesting portion of a gravestone in St. Andrew’s Anglican Church cemetery, French Village featuring a sheaf of wheat carving.
(Credit: Leah Grandy, UNB Libraries)

I was staying in Quispamsis (a suburb of the City of Saint John) and made a pre-supper trip to Gondola Point on Matthews Cove, where a ferry service and dog park are now located. This was the site of land that switched back and forth between the hands of loyalist Alexander Fairchild; his aunt and uncle, Gershom and Abby Fairchild; and Jonas Carle. Alexander Fairchild was able to secure a farm plot on Long Reach on the Belleisle side of the Kingston Peninsula by exchanging this particular grant.

Matthews Cove Quispamsis
Matthews Cove, Quispamsis, New Brunswick. Contested land grant that was held variously by Gershom and Abby Fairchild, Alexander Fairchild, and Jonas Carle. (Credit: Leah Grandy, UNB Libraries)

Alexander Fairchild was a carpenter by trade, and after being imprisoned for treason at the beginning of the American Revolution, he joined the loyalist regiment, the Prince of Wales’ Royal American Volunteers and served with them until the unit was disbanded in Parrtown (Saint John). After working on reconstructing Fairchild’s experience during the Revolution—from Connecticut to New York, Rhode Island, and South Carolina—it was satisfying to put my feet (potentially) where he had trodden.

feet at Matthews Cove
Feet on Fowler ground in Matthews Cove, near the Gondola Point Ferry. (Credit: Leah Grandy, UNB Libraries)

Heading out the next morning, I made a quick stop at the Hammond River near Nauwigewauk, where I could appreciate why grants along the river were sought after by loyalists arriving at Parrtown.

Hammond River
Hammond River, Kings County, New Brunswick. (Credit: Leah Grandy, UNB Libraries)
Land Grant map Kings County
Land grant maps with locations author visited in Hampton and Kingston Peninsula, Kings County, New Brunswick.
(Image courtesy of the Provincial Archives of New Brunswick)

Once in Hampton, I made sure to stop at St. Paul’s Lakeside Anglican Church, overlooking Darlings Lake. Gabriel Fowler (whose land I had located the previous day in French Village) was one of the first two wardens of the church when it was founded in 1812. He was buried here with his second wife, Jane, and son, Daniel. It was quite amazing to find his resting place, but also to think about how far he would have had to travel regularly for church duties and services from French Village to Hampton.

St. Pauls Hampton
St. Paul’s Lakeside Anglican Church, Hampton, New Brunswick. (Credit: Leah Grandy, UNB Libraries)
Fowler family graves
Fowler family graves at St. Paul’s Lakeside Anglican Church. (Credit: Leah Grandy, UNB Libraries)
Gabriel Fowler's grave
Spending a minute with Gabriel Fowler, St. Paul’s Lakeside Anglican Church Cemetery, Hampton. (Credit: Leah Grandy, UNB Libraries)

To continue with a a loyalist tour of Kings County, see our next post: Loyalist History On the Ground in Kings County, New Brunswick, Part 2

Leah Grandy holds a PhD in History and works as a Microforms Assistant at the Harriet Irving Library.


Comments Add comment

Comment: 2nd. New Jersey Volunteers, Loyalist families
posted by Stanley Allaby (not verified)
on Jun 27th, 2019 at 11:20am
One thing of note I found was the large number of 'ordinary' Loyalist's who came in the Fall Fleet of 1783 had little or no resources and fell into the trap of being "forced" into selling their land grants for cash and provisions so they could just survive when the small provisions given to them ran out.These people usually congregated to the larger communities like Saint John, to find shelter and work to survive the winter.
Comment: Loyalist land grants in New Brunswick
posted by lgrandy
on Jun 27th, 2019 at 12:25pm
In reply to by Stanley Allaby (not verified)

Thank you for your comment!  We have also noticed a pattern that a large number of New Brunswick loyalist did not remain on their original grants, but sought out better propects 

Comment: The Fowler "Castle"
posted by Walter Gabriel… (not verified)
on Oct 5th, 2019 at 7:12pm
I don't know if I am in the right place but my grandfather Percy Llewellyn Fowler told me stories when I was a boy about the Fowler castle which i think was a large stone house. My great great grandfather was Walter Llewellyn Fowler and his father was James Moorhouse Fowler and was wondering if anyone has ever heard of this building
Comment: Fowler "Castle"
posted by lgrandy
on Oct 7th, 2019 at 11:09am
In reply to by Walter Gabriel… (not verified)

Thank you for your comment. Was this structure located in New Brunswick?  There were Fowler homesteads located in French Village.  Perhaps some of are readers are familar with the names in your family tree.


Comment: Any information on James Fowler’s land
posted by Nathanael (not verified)
on Jan 3rd, 2020 at 11:32am
Thanks for the info on this page , great stuff! We just purchased James Fowler’s old land grant . The house on the property is very old and we were wondering if you had any info on the history of the house or property? Thanks
Comment: James Fowler
posted by lgrandy
on Jan 3rd, 2020 at 3:51pm
In reply to by Nathanael (not verified)

Hi, thank you for your interest and the neat connection!  Gabriel Fowler did purchase James Fowler's land after James' death from his widow, Rachel.  It is unclear as to their family connection, as Josiah was certainly Gabriel's father.  Both Fowler families were from New York state. We did not heavily research lot number 22, but the King County Museum in Hampton has some great resources and the Provincial Archives of New Brunswick has many useful resources online, including listing for James Fowler's land petitions and land grants.

Comment: LT John Bettle
posted by Donald Bettle (not verified)
on Oct 17th, 2021 at 2:15pm
LT John Bettle had a land grant on the lower Kennebecasis his son sold it and moved to Passekeag.
Comment: This I have heard too. E Bettle was a young son in ww2 who took
posted by R Bettle (not verified)
on Feb 14th, 2024 at 2:02am
In reply to by Donald Bettle (not verified)
Edward Bettle (so I've been told) took over the family farm, in Passekeag during WW2 as his brothes went to fight, because his father was ill. Correct me uncle Donald, if I don't have this right?
Comment: Josiah and Gabriel Fowler
posted by KATHRYN GROVER (not verified)
on Dec 9th, 2021 at 11:36am
I am preparing a genealogy for a family member in which Josiah Fowler and his son Gabriel figure quite centrally. I am wondering if you would be willing to allow me to use your photograph of Gabriel Fowler's grave (or another that shows his wife's grave as well) in this volume. I will issue fewer than ten printed copies; it's only for those the small bunch descended from this Fowler branch.
Comment: Photograph
posted by lgrandy
on Dec 9th, 2021 at 12:17pm
In reply to by KATHRYN GROVER (not verified)

Thanks for your interest in our blog and congratulations on your research work.  You can contact us at regarding copyright use.

Comment: Sorenson
posted by Kari (not verified)
on Dec 14th, 2021 at 1:57pm
In reply to by KATHRYN GROVER (not verified)
I would be very interested in your work. I am a descendant of this line through Gabriel and Josiah (and on through William H and Allen James Fowler and into the Montana Fowlers) and am currently working on finding out more of the Fowler geneology. Amazing to see this photo history of New Brunswick posted today!
Comment: Fowlers
posted by lgrandy
on Dec 14th, 2021 at 3:34pm
In reply to by Kari (not verified)

Thank you for your interest!  You can see the full biography of Gabriel Fowler under the Kings County tab on the New Brunswick Loyalist Journeys project found here:

Comment: Gabriel Fowler
posted by Steven Savage (not verified)
on Sep 20th, 2023 at 11:35pm
In reply to by Kari (not verified)
I too am a descendant if Gabriel Fowler, down to my great grandfather john walker fowler and great great William j fowler
Comment: Kingston Loyalists
posted by Alison Sanders (not verified)
on Jul 30th, 2022 at 3:08pm
Thank you for your interesting blog. I also have at least 3 Loyalists who settled in Kingston, Kings County. Ebenezer Scribner - originally from Norwalk, Connecticut, Thomas Morrell- NY and Joseph Drew - South Carolina.
Comment: Flewwelling
posted by Mary Madeline … (not verified)
on Jan 5th, 2023 at 5:11pm
Loyalists Abigail Fowler and Abel Flewelling ancestors. Looking for their land grant.
Comment: Flewelling Grant
posted by lgrandy
on Jan 6th, 2023 at 8:15am
In reply to by Mary Madeline … (not verified)

Hello, thank you for your query. If you are interested in using The Loyalist Collection, you can contact us at The Provincial Archives of New Brunswick website is the best places to start your search for New Brunswick land grants: Provincial Archives of New Brunswick (

Comment: Bettles had land grants and had large land masses in Passekeag
posted by Bettle (not verified)
on Feb 14th, 2024 at 2:05am
The Bettle family had large masses of land in Passekeag and did a lot for the surrounding comminuties in regards to agriculture.
Comment: King's Grant
posted by Kayleigh (not verified)
on Mar 9th, 2025 at 10:57am

Hi there, I'm wondering if anyone can help me with the history of the original family who settled on our land. We are buying a home in Lower Greenwhich NB, and the property has a second description of the King's Grant. Located on the Days corner rd. 

Comment: Land History
posted by lgrandy
on Mar 10th, 2025 at 8:31am
In reply to by Anonymous (not verified)

Hello, we cannot do research for patrons, but we can make recommendations on sources and where to look if you send a query with the information you have to

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