
Title Call Number
Official Papers and Correspondence, 1740-1783. HIL-MICL FC LMR .A4J4P3
Papers : 1771-1916. HIL-MICL FC LFR .J4E3P3
Papers : 1765-1902. HIL-MICL FC LFR .R7F3P3
Letters : 1728-1818. HIL-MICL FC LFR .C4G4L4
America, Britain and the War of Independence : the Correspondence and Papers of Sir Jeffery Amherst : 1714-1937 ; (predominant 1740-1795). HIL-MICL FC LMR .A4J4C6
Papers and Correspondence : Index and Transcripts. HIL-MICL FC LMR .H3F7P3 Index
Collection : 1787-1914. HIL-MICL FC LFR .S6F3C6
Papers : 1777-1847. HIL-MICL FC LFR .R6F3P3
Papers: 1559-1974. HIL-MICL FC LFR .C5F3P5
Papers : 1593-1985 (predominant 1726-1838). HIL-MICL FC LFR .C5F3P4
