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Records : 1785-1830.

Call Number:
New Brunswick
New Brunswick. Chancery Court.
Material Description:
1 microfilm textual records 35 mm

The Court of Chancery was the highest court of equity or equitable jurisdiction. It exercised judicial powers over matters such as fraud, deceit, partnership, trust, and guardianship. In New Brunswick, Records of the Court of Chancery have survived from 1785, one year after the Province was established.


The Chancery Court Records were microfilmed in chronological order, although in many instances the chronology was not strictly maintained. The documents include: causes; petitions; oaths; injunctions; applications; memorials; orders; appeals; subpoenas; affidavits; requests for guardianship; estate documents and settlements; and many other similar court records.

As part of the Chancery Court Records, there is a volume entitled, The General Commercial Accounts, which contains accounts of Simonds, Hazen, White, and Jarvis, as well as those of Blodget, Hazen, and Simonds, 1764-1777. The Attorney-General's Dockets for 1828 and 1829 are inserted among the Chancery Court Records toward the end of the reel.


The original records are held by the Provincial Archives of New Brunswick.

Archival Ref. No.:


Finding Aids:

Index - Nominal index is available in print for sub-series Case Files (RS55B), 1784-1912, which includes Oversize Documents (RS55C) at the Provincial Archives of New Brunswick.


The dates which are given in the typed leader on the microfilm are not accurate. The Records extend to 1830, with a few items from the 1840s and later.

Related Records:

Forms part of Court of Equity Original Jurisdiction Records (RS55), organised at the Provincial Archives as follows: A. Minutes; B. Case files; C. Over-size Documents; D. Bound Indices; E. Notebooks; F. Precipe/Appearance Book; G. Chancery Proceedings in Lunacy; H. Case Summary/Referees Book