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Poll Tax : 1791-1795.

Call Number:
Nova Scotia
Nova Scotia. Census Records.
Material Description:
1 microfilm textual records 35 mm

Beginning in 1791 a Capitation Tax was levied on all males according to their occupation, and ranging from one to ten shillings per year. The names of males eligible to pay the tax are recorded by County or by large District or Township. They are not in alphabetical order. The Act was repealed in 1796 and the names exist only for 1791-1795.


The Poll Tax lists give the names of those taxed, their occupations, and the amount of tax assigned to each person. 

The following areas are included: the Townships of Halifax, Windsor, Newport, Douglas, Rawdon, Falmouth, Amherst, Ramsheg, Lunenburg, and Chester; the Districts of Shubenacadie; Fort Lawrence; River Hebert; Macan and Napan; and the Counties of Cumberland and Hants. Many areas have lists for several different years.


The original records are held by the Public Archives of Nova Scotia.

Archival Ref. No.:

PANS RG 1, vols. 444-445. See also RG 12.

Finding Aids:

Online: Census Returns, Assessment and Poll Tax Records 1767-1838 indexed and available through the Nova Scotia Archives website.

A list of the Townships / Districts / Counties and the date of the corresponding Poll Tax list can be found at the beginning of the reel.

A print copy of the same list is available.


PDF Finding Aid:
NS Census Records Poll Tax Document List.pdf

Poll Tax lists for other locations are held by the Public Archives of Nova Scotia. A complete listing of all the surviving Poll Tax lists can be found on page 126 of the Inventory of Manuscripts in the Public Archives of Nova Scotia. Halifax: PANS, 1976.

A photocopy of this list is available.

Place names are spelled as they appear in the original record.

The dates that appear in the typed introduction at the beginning of the microfilm are not accurate.