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Letterbooks : 1792-1850.

Call Number:
Upper Canada. Surveyor General.
Material Description:
10 microfilm textual records (34 volumes) ; 35 mm

The Surveyor General's office dealt solely with land matters. Under his direction, clerks and surveyors prepared and issued instructions for surveys, compiled accounts for audit, reported on petitions sent to the Lieutenant Governor in Council, prepared descriptions for patents, issued maps and plans, and prepared any returns requested by the Legislature.


Letters Written in the Surveyor General's papers include copies of circulars to the Deputy Surveyors; sketches of townships; letters to government officials and to private individuals; plans of lands granted; descriptions; requisitions for supplies; reports on petitions and correspondence; and copies of many other records that related to this office.


The original documents are held by the Archives of Ontario.

Archival Ref. No.:

AO RG I, Series A-I-2, vols. 1-34, MS 627.

Finding Aids:

A chronological, Schedule of Letters Written, appears in earlier volumes at the beginning of the volume. A personal name and subject index is included at the end. In later years, only the name and subject index appears.