Treasury Board Papers: Unregistered Papers (T 1/624-625): 1785

Call Number: HIL-MICL FC LPR .G7T7T7
Category: Great Britain
Creator: Great Britain. Treasury.
Description: Electronic textual records (2 volumes) ; 666 MB; 1, 031 images; Tiff

The Treasury Board sat to decide on royal finances and the organisation of the Treasury and other governmental bodies, matters affecting the colonies, including America, as well as domestic issues. There are a number of unregistered papers amongst the collection; the bulk of the documents in T 1 from date 1782 onwards are registered.


Of particular interest are the papers pertaining to fiscal relief to American loyalist refugees of the American Revolution. The Papers are varied and some have coverage a year or two before or after 1785. they involve the following places: Ireland, North America colonies, West Indies, England and Wales, Scotland, Africa, Gibraltar, and India; the bulk covering North America and England. Includes also the following main subjects: British army (rations, extraordinary expenses, provisions, testimonials, applications for half pay), British colonies - Cape Breton, East Florida, Georgia, New Brunswick and Quebec (civil establishments - estimates and comments, vessels cleared in and out of port, thieves, settlement), compensation claims and care of American loyalists of the American Revolution (petitions and memorials, includes women and Black women, accounts of rations, and merchants' grievance), provisioning and contractors (tenders for supplying troops), customs, and the West Indies (Caribbean, including topic of property).

Content and Arrangement - Volume 624

Folio No.




WEST INDIES: Islands: Dominica: Copies of correspondence between Governor J Orde and Lord Sydney concerning the provision of land and tools for loyalists from East Florida. Conversion of leases to fee simple. Possible appropriation of property belonging to Frenchmen who assisted runaway slaves. Also, a memorial from settlers asking for the remission of installments due on leases and that a 4½% import duty may not be introduced

1784 Nov 25-1786 June 13


NORTH AMERICA: Compensation claims and care of loyalists: George Brinley, Commissioner encloses account showing provisions received and still needed to feed loyalists, half year to April 1785

1785 May 25


NORTH AMERICA: Army: General B St Leger: encloses abstracts of warrants granted

1785 July 28


NORTH AMERICA: Army: Charles Cooke, agent to Lieut. Colonel DeLancey, enclosing copies of testimonials to Delancey's gallantry in attacking rebels at Youngs House, White Plains, New York on 3 Feb 1780

1785 Oct 6


These papers were originally catalogued under more than one subject heading. Those headings, and details of the papers, are as follows:

NORTH AMERICA: Compensation claims and care of loyalists: Frederick W Hecht, Assistant Commissary General: asks for help in view of the losses he has suffered through loyalty to the Crown. Complaints about restriction on the number of staff required for providing provisions to soldiers and loyalists.

NORTH AMERICA: Army: Frederick W Hecht, Assistant Commissary General: complaints about restrictions on staff

1785 Feb 1-7


NORTH AMERICA: Colonies or States: Quebec: Civil Establishment account Oct 1784 - Mar 1785

1785 May 23


NORTH AMERICA: Army: Major General John Campbell: accounts for subsistence of troops under his command and for extraordinary expenses 1784-1785

1785 May 2


These papers were originally catalogued under more than one subject heading. Those headings, and details of the papers, are as follows:

ENGLAND AND WALES: Miscellaneous: William Shepherd: asking for a government loan to purchase a ship for the Cape Breton fishery, which loan he proposes to repay over 6 years.

NORTH AMERICA: Colonies or States: Cape Breton: William Shephard: asking for a government loan to purchase a ship to 'extend the fisheries' at Cape Breton

1785 Oct 18


NORTH AMERICA: Colonies or States: New Brunswick: Civil Establishment, year ending 24 June 1786

1785 July 20


WEST INDIES: Islands: Bahamas: Treasury minute about Mr. Gamble, Commissary of New Providence, Bahamas, that he should not draw bills. These should only be drawn by the Governor

1785 May 18


ENGLAND AND WALES: Miscellaneous: Report on the circumstances of the General Surveyors of the Duties on Houses and Windows, some of whom are living in distressed circumstances

1785 Jan 21


AFRICA: Miscellaneous: Lieut. Col. W Dalrymple: suggests that an English port be established on the 'Caffree coast' [now Cape Province, South Africa]. Duplicate

1785 Feb 12


ENGLAND AND WALES: Mint: S Alchorne, Master's Assay-master: suggesting an allowance be paid on defective gold coin. Related correspondence

1785 Dec 3


IRELAND: Lord Lieutenant: Forwards resolution of the House of Peers in Ireland that £15 p.a. be paid to the vicar of St Andrew in compensation for loss of property, because of the imminent extension of the House of Peers

1785 June 24


NORTH AMERICA: Colonies or States: East Florida: William Panton to Peter Spence. He has been unable to arrest the 'yellow woman' who laid with the Governor, she having now gone off to New Orleans. Several of the thieves who plundered houses in Florida have been caught and sent to the mines of Mexico

1785 Oct 2


SCOTLAND: Customs: Commissioners of Customs (Edinburgh): Enclose letter from Customs officers at Fort William reporting that 300 Highlanders departed for Ireland en route for America 'to search for that happiness and comfort in America which they said was denied them here'

1785 July 19


AFRICA: Miscellaneous: Lieut. Col. W Dalrymple: suggests that an English port be established on the 'Caffree coast' [now Cape Province, South Africa]

1785 Feb 12


ENGLAND AND WALES: Customs: Commissioners of Customs: Because of serious loss by theft to cargoes of tobacco etc. destined for re-export, they propose that the King's Victualling wharf should be used for such cargoes

1785 Feb 11


These papers were originally catalogued under more than one subject heading. Those headings, and details of the papers, are as follows:

ENGLAND AND WALES: Customs: Duties collected on the Isle of Man, Michaelmas 1785.

ISLE OF MAN: Customs House, Douglas: total duties collected at various ports, Michaelmas 1785

1785 Oct 17


ENGLAND AND WALES: Tax Office and suggestions regarding taxes: Transmit letter from their Surveyor at Tavistock. His book of the Acts of Parliament was destroyed by rioters

1785 Dec 22


ENGLAND AND WALES: Customs: Lord Falmouth asks that a special appointment be issued to confirm Mr. Giddy as Deputy Searcher at the Port of Truro

1785 Nov 28


ENGLAND AND WALES: Miscellaneous: Lord Carmarthen asks that his friend, Hewett, be appointed canon of Christ Church

1785 Sept 14


ENGLAND AND WALES: Admiralty: Admiralty Office: N Burrard: asks that his nephew be confirmed as naval lieutenant

1785 Oct 31


ENGLAND AND WALES: Excise: Commissioners of Excise: J Fisher: although Robert Bliss, the supervisor of Chelsea, was exonerated from charges brought against him there are no grounds to promote him

1785 Nov 5


ENGLAND AND WALES: Foreign Department: W Fraser: asks that Customs be instructed to allow landing of merchandise belonging to the emperor’s envoy and allow trans-shipment of the rest to Ostend. Related papers

1785 Aug 12


ENGLAND AND WALES: Treasury and Exchequer: Receipts and vouchers of the Pell Office



ENGLAND AND WALES: Customs: Petition of Stephen Jeffreys to be appointed as a Waterman in the Port of London. He lost his job and house and suffered harassment because of giving information against the crew of the revenue cutter at Shoreham, who were conniving with smugglers

1785 Jan 4


These papers were originally catalogued under more than one subject heading. Those headings, and details of the papers, are as follows:

ENGLAND AND WALES: Excise: Samuel Estwick, Chelsea Hospital: asks that that Collectors of the Excise be directed to pay the pensions to out-pensioners without the deduction of a shilling.

ENGLAND AND WALES: Excise: Samuel Estwick, Chelsea Hospital: asks that that Collectors of the Excise be directed to pay the pensions to out-pensioners without the deduction of a shilling

1785 June 22


These papers were originally catalogued under more than one subject heading. Those headings, and details of the papers, are as follows:

NORTH AMERICA: Army: Accounts of rations issued to refugee loyalists at Fort Howe by the army; receipt of provisions.

NORTH AMERICA: Compensation claims and care of loyalists: Accounts of rations issued to refugee loyalists at Fort Howe by the army; receipt of provisions

1784 Apr-1785 Feb 7


SCOTLAND: Customs: Commissioners of Customs (Edinburgh): Transmit account for revenue and payments, year ending 10 Oct 1785

1793 Dec 9


ENGLAND AND WALES: Excise: W Atkinson offers to save £2,000 p.a. for the government by an alternative to the Excise Watch

1785 Feb 17


ENGLAND AND WALES: Customs: Commissioners of Customs: John Thompson, nominated to be Boatman at Sunderland, is not acceptable as he has never been to sea. Warrant enclosed

1785 June 22


ENGLAND AND WALES: Miscellaneous: R Drewe and D Hamilton, Receivers of the Land Tax, suggest that they should receive salaries and then they could remit balances more promptly

1785 Feb 22


NORTH AMERICA: Colonies or States: Cape Breton: Lord Howe to Lieut. Governor Des Barres. Pleased that Des Barres is optimistic about the prospectus for increasing the number of settlers, including some from the United States

1785 Aug 19


ENGLAND AND WALES: Customs: John Bell: concerning the appointment of 'coal meters'

1785 July 13


ENGLAND AND WALES: Customs: Commissioners of Customs: Recommendations for appointments

1785 May


NORTH AMERICA: Compensation claims and care of loyalists: Captain Thomas Miller to George Rose. Asks that his allowance be continued

1785 Jan 3


ENGLAND AND WALES: Miscellaneous: Duke of Chandos: does not believe he is entitled to appoint under-clerks of the Green Cloth

1785 May 3


AFRICA: Committee of the Company of Merchants trading to Africa: Captain Armstrong asks that he be assisted to recover money due to him from Lieut. G Fall of the 'Africa Corporation'

1785 Mar 24-28


WEST INDIES: Islands: St Vincent: Former Governor V Morris asks to be personally examined regarding payment of government bills



These papers were originally catalogued under more than one subject heading. Those headings, and details of the papers, are as follows:

ENGLAND AND WALES: Law: Wills: James Cook: asks for assistance in persuading the East India Company to pay interest due on the late Captain Hudson's estate.

INDIA: James Cook: asks for assistance in persuading the East India Company to pay interest due on the late Captain Hudson's estate

1785 Apr 26


SCOTLAND: Customs: Commissioners of Customs (Edinburgh): Forward their reply to Hon Keith Havant respecting measures taken to curb smuggling in Galloway which has been going on a large scale

1785 Mar 31


ENGLAND AND WALES: Miscellaneous: Mr. White asks for an advance to allow him to continue analysis and audit of the returns of Overseers of the Poor



ENGLAND AND WALES: Excise: Commissioners of Excise: Acknowledge recommendation that Alexander Davidson be appointed a hop assistant

1785 July 23


ENGLAND AND WALES: Customs: Commissioners of Customs: Recommendations for appointments

1785 May 21


ENGLAND AND WALES: Excise: Richard Griffith: proposing a tax on fancy buckles and buttons

1785 Apr 7


ENGLAND AND WALES: Miscellaneous: Salt Office: James L Hale cannot be appointed as Watchman at Droitwich as he is a native of that town

1785 Feb 11


NORTH AMERICA: Compensation claims and care of loyalists: Memorial of William Bellinger asking for compensation for loss of houses in Penobscot, Maine. Complaint against clerk at the American Office. Related material

1785 July 29


WEST INDIES: Provisioning and contractors: Account of provisions delivered at the different islands on account of the contract

1785 Dec-1787 Oct


These papers were originally catalogued under more than one subject heading. Those headings, and details of the papers, are as follows:

SCOTLAND: Miscellaneous: Brigadier General A MacArthur: he cannot spare soldiers to act as chain bearers to mark out land for loyalist settlers, because of sickness.

WEST INDIES: Loyalists, care of: Brigadier General A MacArthur: he cannot spare soldiers to act as chain bearers to mark out land for loyalist settlers because of sickness

1785 Sept 2


ENGLAND AND WALES: Miscellaneous: E Morse to Sir W Pitt. Asks for an appointment in Jamaica where he has a claim to an estate

1785 May


ENGLAND AND WALES: Miscellaneous: Accounts relating to the office of Master of the Horse including redundancy payments



ENGLAND AND WALES: Treasury and Exchequer: Accounts of the Hereditary Revenues and Civil List, 1781-1783, 1785, 1787



NORTH AMERICA: Compensation claims and care of loyalists: Memorial of William Clark, late of Savannah, Georgia, asks for relief

1785 Aug 31


ENGLAND AND WALES: Miscellaneous: George Selby: the secret method for catching more fish was not successful when tested

1785 Nov 11


ENGLAND AND WALES: War Office: Sir G Yonge: asks that orders be given for subsistence and provisions for a regiment embarking for Gibraltar

1785 Oct 12


SCOTLAND: Miscellaneous: Brigadier General A MacArthur: accounts of expenses

1785 Jan 31


ENGLAND AND WALES: Miscellaneous: D Mill: asks that he may become town clerk in Saltash so that the son of his late brother may succeed to the post when qualified. Related correspondence

1785 Oct 10


Scrap of paper marked '4th Class'

1785 Sept


NORTH AMERICA: Compensation claims and care of loyalists: Simeon Covell: asking for compensation for losses incurred by joining the British forces in North America. Duplicate

1785 Sept 22


NORTH AMERICA: Compensation claims and care of loyalists: Ebenezer Jessup: claims to half pay as a former Lieut. Colonel with the British forces in America. Duplicate

1785 Sept 26


NORTH AMERICA: Compensation claims and care of loyalists: Memorial of Sir David Sproat for half pay or a pension. He was commissioned to arrange exchange of naval prisoners of war in North America, and also exchanged soldiers. Related papers

1785 Aug 15


NORTH AMERICA: Compensation claims and care of loyalists: Memorial of Philip Cook, late of New York colony, asking for compensation

1785 June 28


NORTH AMERICA: Compensation claims and care of loyalists: Samuel Venner, agent for Samuel Hake, formerly a merchant at New York argues that Venner's claim for compensation is justified. Related accounts etc.

1786 Apr 7


NORTH AMERICA: Compensation claims and care of loyalists: Petition of Alan Cameron to be put on half pay. He was sent to raise a force in Detroit, but later captured and cruelly treated in prison by Congress forces. Affidavits

1785 Jan 19


ENGLAND AND WALES: Law: Enforcement: Edwin Davies: asks that an official request be made for an affidavit

1785 May 10


ENGLAND AND WALES: Excise: James Wood mason: he asks that drawback be allowed on exported paper hangings. If this is allowed, he will purchase a patent for an improved method of manufacture

1785 May 3


ENGLAND AND WALES: Mint: John Morris offers to coin copper at half pence cheaper than the Mint

1785 Apr 4


NORTH AMERICA: Miscellaneous: Provisioning and contractors: Affidavit by Rawson Aislabie regarding supply of beef and pork shipped at Cork for America, with account

1785 Feb 23


NORTH AMERICA: Colonies or States: Cape Breton: W Roberts: encloses list of bills drawn on him by Lieut. Governor Des Barres for erecting public buildings

1785 Dec 30


NORTH AMERICA: Compensation claims and care of loyalists: William Axtell, formerly a member of His Majesty's Council in New York, asks for a stipend equal to that paid to other members

1785 Oct 1


ENGLAND AND WALES: Law: Enforcement: Orders in Council changing destination of specified convicts from America to Africa

1785 Mar 11-1785 May 13


WEST INDIES: Islands: Grenada: John Drummond: explains he holds title to Hospital hill, where a fortification may be built. Past difficulties in taking possession; wishes to be informed of offers of purchase

1785 Jan 19


ENGLAND AND WALES: Customs: William Hey, a Commissioner: encloses a report from the Collector at Beaumaris, Anglesey, suggesting that Humphrey Williams was guilty of smuggling salt which he had loaded at Liverpool

1785 Mar 17


ENGLAND AND WALES: Excise: Commissioners of Excise: Recommendations for appointments

1785 May 31


ENGLAND AND WALES: Customs: Commissioners of Customs: Recommendations for appointments



ENGLAND AND WALES: Excise: Commissioners of Excise: Recommendations for appointments

1785 June 21


ENGLAND AND WALES: Miscellaneous: D Mill: asks that he may become town clerk in Saltash so that the son of his late brother may succeed to the post when qualified. Related correspondence

1785 Oct 14


ENGLAND AND WALES: Tax Office and suggestions regarding taxes: William Pratt: he would appreciate some reward for having suggested new forms of taxation, and has a suggestion concerning recuperation of property

1785 July 4


ENGLAND AND WALES: Miscellaneous: John Philips: favourable report following test of Messrs. Borel's new red dye. Letter from William Pitt suggesting a petition to Parliament for a reward

1785 Feb 11-1785 May 23


ENGLAND AND WALES: Law: Leases: Petition of Jonathan White for reversionary lease to land in the forest of Braydon, Wilts

1785 Oct


ENGLAND AND WALES: Miscellaneous: Copy of instructions for dyeing cotton and linen red or green or yellow according to Mr. Berkenhout's new method

1785 May 28


ENGLAND AND WALES: Miscellaneous: Sir Robert Taylor: regarding accounts

1785 Jan 20


ENGLAND AND WALES: Admiralty: Navy Office: Submit estimates of money required Sept-Dec 1785

1785 Sept 5


ENGLAND AND WALES: Admiralty: Navy Office: Correspondence respecting payment of bills

1785 June-July


NORTH AMERICA: Compensation claims and care of loyalists: Memorial of Cornelia de Diemar, wife of Captain de Diemar, asks for compensation for losses suffered in America

1785 Feb 19


INDIA: East India Company ask for licence to import a quantity of tea

1785 May 2


ENGLAND AND WALES: Law: Opinions: W Chamberlayne: favourable report on enclosed petition of the Justices of the Peace for Norfolk, asking that a fine imposed on Mary Palmer be remitted. She has spent over 3 years in prison for common assault, and being unable to pay the fine, could remain imprisoned for the rest of her life

1785 Dec 10


NORTH AMERICA: Miscellaneous: Provisioning and contractors: Thomas Newnham: tender for supplying provisions to troops in Canada

1785 Apr 29-30


NORTH AMERICA: Miscellaneous: Provisioning and contractors: Messrs Everett and Drummond: tender for supplying provisions to troops in Canada

1785 Apr 29


These papers were originally catalogued under more than one subject heading. Those headings, and details of the papers, are as follows:

WEST INDIES: Customs: Warrant discharging the widow of the former Collector of Customs at St Johns from a debt incurred by her late husband.

WEST INDIES: Islands: Antigua: Warrant discharging the widow of the former Collector of Customs at St Johns from a debt incurred by her late husband



NORTH AMERICA: Compensation claims and care of loyalists: Petition for compensation from Chretia Weeks for loss of property in America. Her late husband was a sergeant in the 'Negro' Company of Labourers in the service of the Royal Artillery in America. Related papers

1785 Apr 24


ENGLAND AND WALES: Admiralty: Navy Office: John Pitt: report on timber suitable for Navy use to be felled in Whittlewood and Salcey forests. Land Revenue Office have no objection

1785 Mar 9


ENGLAND AND WALES: Customs: Commissioners of Customs: Recommendations for appointments

1785 Mar 5-17


ENGLAND AND WALES: Works, Board of: Accounts and receipts relating to Windsor Great Park



ENGLAND AND WALES: Miscellaneous: William Chinney to William Hey. Admiral Hughes who has returned from the East Indies with half a million pounds, has offered to pay off Lord Sandwich's mortgages

1785 Aug 2


SCOTLAND: Customs: Commissioners of Customs (Edinburgh): Accounts of number of ships from Scotland employed on the whale fishery in the Davis Straits, and catches 1750-1786. Also whale products imported

1785 Jan 25


ENGLAND AND WALES: Stamp Office: Report of several defects in the present law affecting duties

1785 Feb 15


SCOTLAND: Miscellaneous: Brigadier General A MacArthur: accounts of expenses

1785 Apr 30


NORTH AMERICA: Compensation claims and care of loyalists: Memorial of Henry Harford for compensation for estate and money lost in Maryland. Enclosed rejection of claim by the Maryland assembly



NORTH AMERICA: Compensation claims and care of loyalists: Case presented by several merchants trading to South Carolina and Georgia who had agreed to accept a cession of land from the Cherokee Indian nation for payment of debt. History of memorials etc. Law officers' opinion that they may merit compensation but have no legal claim since the lands are now lost to the Crown

1785 Oct 30


Volume 625

Folio No.







IRELAND: Army: Lord Lieutenant: army appointments and salaries



These papers were originally catalogued under more than one subject heading. Those headings, and details of the papers, are as follows:

NORTH AMERICA: Colonies or States: Cape Breton, East Florida, New Brunswick, Nova Scotia: Observations on the estimate for the Civil Establishment for year ending 24 June 1785.

WEST INDIES: Islands: Bahamas, Bermuda: Observations on the estimate for the Civil Establishment for year ending 24 June 1785

1785 June 24


WEST INDIES: Islands: Bermuda: Proposed salary for the Chief Justice, year ending June 1785

1785 June 24


NORTH AMERICA: Colonies or States: Cape Breton: Estimate for the Civil Establishment for year ending 24 June 1785

1785 June 24


NORTH AMERICA: Colonies or States: New Brunswick: Estimate for the Civil Establishment, year ending 24 June 1785

1785 June 24


These papers were originally catalogued under more than one subject heading. Those headings, and details of the papers, are as follows:

ENGLAND AND WALES: Treasury and Exchequer: Procedure for checking and passing accounts in England and Ireland by the Commissioners of Accounts, Auditors of Imprests, Barons of Exchequer etc. Commissioners' enquiry as to their powers; opinion of Attorney General.

IRELAND: Lord Lieutenant: Sends description of procedure for checking and passing accounts in Ireland for comparison with system in England. Related papers

1785 Jan 26


ENGLAND AND WALES: Miscellaneous: Account of expenses incurred in passing a patent appointing the Earl of Uxbridge Constable of the castle of Caernarvon

1785 July 14


ENGLAND AND WALES: Treasury and Exchequer: Procedure for checking and passing accounts in England and Ireland by the Paymaster of the Forces, Treasurer of the Navy, etc.



GIBRALTAR: Contingency expenses half-year to 30 June 1785

1785 June 3


NORTH AMERICA: Army: Returns of provisions issued and in stock in Canada, various dates

1785 June 24


NORTH AMERICA: Army: Pay list for Canada, various periods

1784 Dec 24


These papers were originally catalogued under more than one subject heading. Those headings, and details of the papers, are as follows:

ENGLAND AND WALES: War Office: Applications to be put on half pay by officers who formerly served in North America,

NORTH AMERICA: Army: Applications by officers, formerly serving in North America, to be put on half pay.

NORTH AMERICA: Compensation claims and care of loyalists: Memorial of Captain Lieut. John Hunter, who fought in Virginia, to be put on half pay

1785 Oct 12


These papers were originally catalogued under more than one subject heading. Those headings, and details of the papers, are as follows:

ENGLAND AND WALES: Miscellaneous: Memorial of Colonel J R Muller with related papers. His grievance against Mr. J F Erskine, who supplanted him as recruiting agent in Switzerland, where he was raising a regiment for the service of the British in India.

ENGLAND AND WALES: War Office: Memorial of Colonel J R Muller with related papers. His grievance against Mr. J F Erskine, who sup-planted him as recruiting agent in Switzerland, where he was raising a regiment for the service of the British in India.

INDIA: Memorial of Colonel J R Muller asking for recompense. He was recruiting officer for raising a regiment in Switzerland to serve in India, when he was supplanted by Mr. F Erskine. Related papers

1785 June 7


These papers were originally catalogued under more than one subject heading. Those headings, and details of the papers, are as follows:

ENGLAND AND WALES: Miscellaneous: Warrant for annuities to be paid to persons whose offices have been abolished, and 'list of compensations' quarter ended 5 July.

ENGLAND AND WALES: Treasury and Exchequer: Warrant for annuities to be paid to persons whose office have been abolished, and 'list of compensations', quarter ended 5 July 1785

1785 July 5


ENGLAND AND WALES: War Office: Estimate for charge of half pay for various officers for 1785



ENGLAND AND WALES: Customs: Commissioners of Customs: Account of number of ships from England employed on the whale fishery with catches and subsidies paid in 1784

1785 Jan 8


SCOTLAND: Customs: Commissioners of Customs (Edinburgh): Account of the quantities of silk gauze exported from Scotland 5 Jan 1782 - 5 Jan 1785

1785 Apr 28


ENGLAND AND WALES: Law: Opinions: Report of the King's Remembrancer upon enclosed petitions of Col Duncan McPherson of Cluny against having to make payments for restitution of an estate forfeited by his father

1785 Dec 8


ENGLAND AND WALES: Miscellaneous: Miscellaneous petty accounts 1784



ENGLAND AND WALES: Treasury and Exchequer: Account of salaries, fees etc. for the year ending 1 Jan 1785

1785 Jan 1


ENGLAND AND WALES: Treasury and Exchequer: 'Incident Bill for defraying the Contingent expenses' year ending 1 Jan 1785

1785 Jan 1


NORTH AMERICA: Colonies or States: Cape Breton: List of vessels and cargoes cleared inwards and outward from Sydney, Nova Scotia, and St Peters Island Apr-Nov 1785

1785 Nov 10

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TNA T 1/624; T 1/625

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