Records of Some Southern Loyalists.
Call Number: | HIL-MICL FC LFR .P3L9R4 |
Category: | Family |
Creator: | Parrish, Lydia, 1872-1953. |
Description: | 1 microfilm textual records () ; 35 mm |
Background: | Lydia (Austin) Parrish was an historical researcher and author. She is best known for her book, Slave Songs of the Georgia Sea Islands. At the time of her sudden death on 29 March 1953, she was preparing for publication, a two-volume genealogy of Loyalists who fled to Nassau, Bahamas, from the Southern American Colonies during and immediately after the American Revolution. Mrs. Parrish was originally from Philadelphia, but from 1915 until her death, she spent each winter at St. Simons Island, Georgia, and the summers in Windsor, Vermont. She was survived by her husband, Maxfield Parrish, the landscape painter, one daughter and three sons. |
Contents: |
Contains research collected and compiled by Lydia Parrish pertaining to loyalists who arrived at The Bahamas at the end of the American Revolution, providing historical context and biographical information. The biography of each person or family is based, almost entirely, on primary source materials. There are quotations throughout the text with numbered footnotes, which often contain additional information. The references cited most frequently are sources in the Southern United States and in the West Indies, and they include: wills; church records; estate documents; grant books; census records; newspapers; records of the Registrar General in Nassau, Bahamas, South Carolina and other jurisdictions; British Colonial Office records; royal gazettes; family correspondence; published colonial records; gravestone inscriptions; historical society collections; and secondary sources. Main topics include Bahamas history, biography/biographies, family history/histories, American Loyalists experience and migration, settlement, American Revolution/War of American Independence, Geographically, includes many of the American states, then British provinces, especially Georgia and South Carolina, and British East and West Florida, and The Bahamas, part of the region known as the Caribbean.
Arrangement: Section titles with page numbers
Acknowledgements, 2
Foreword, 3 - written by Parrish.
Preface (Historical), 14 - Subsections contain detailed research pertaining to the situation the loyalists found themselves in: 1. East and West Florida, p. 23;
2. St. Augustine, Florida, and Nassau, Bahamas, p. 32
Brief by the assembler of these pages, 51
Index listing of Persons or Families about whom there is a page or more of records, 52 - 54
Name/Page of those in the index:
William Alexander, 55
Nicholas Martin Almgreen, 60
William Allen of Pennsylvania, 63 - Lieutenant colonel in 2nd Pennsylvania Regiment in Continental service; he and brothers John and Andrew attainted in Pennsylvania for treason. Lieutenant colonel in Pennsylvania Loyalists; was in Pensacola, East Florida. Brother Andrew was grantee of Bahamas; died 1825.
Dr. Zephenia/Zephania Allen, 65 - From Pennsylvania; had been at East Florida before evacuation. Likely father of Dr. John Allen who was also on Zephenia's land grant at Exuma, Bahamas. Names of Henry Allen (loyalist in Nassau) and Thomas Allen (probably from Charleston, South Carolina; mariner; died in Bahamas) included in Parrish's notes.
Adam Amos, 68 - Scotchman from West Florida; arrived in New Providence, Bahamas from Jamaica after Spain took back Florida 1782. Brother of James Amos. Received grant on Cat Island, cotton planter.
John Anderson, 70 - Georgia refugee; appointed lieutenant of British volunteer company of light dragoons; received grant of land on Long Island, Bahamas. There married daughter of William Wylly, Susannah.
William Anderson, 88 - North Carolina loyalist; native of Scotland. Died 1809, aged 51 at Nassau, Bahamas. First wife Margaret; second wife Sarah.
Isaac Antrobus, 89 - Georgian loyalist from Sunbury. Had been customs/collections office and deputy surveyor. When Savannah evacuated, moved to East Georgia and when that ceded went to Nassau, Bahamas and became active citizen. Received lot of land in Nassau; died 1791.
The Ambrister/Armbrister Family, 92 - John, Henry and half brother James from Charleston, South Carolina; then went to East Florida and Bahamas. James at Bahamas held government offices, was an officer in colonial militia, and got land on Long Island. John married Mary Elizabeth; bought house in East Florida, then worked a plantation in Bahamas with enslaved labour. Died at Cat Island.
William Armstrong, 94 - From New Hanover County, North Carolina; married his cousin Ann Armstrong. Went to St. Augustine, West Florida, then Abaco in the Bahamas; had enslaved people.
James Babbidge, 109 - Was half-pay British officer in 15th Regiment when left Pensacola, West Florida and arrived at Bahamas with Montfort Browne in 1774. Held various government positions. Was governor's personal secretary when in 1776 both were seized in Nassau Harbour by rebels and sent to jail in Connecticut
Captain Peter Bachop, 112 - Pilot of merchant vessels and owner of vessels out of Charleston, South Carolina; business relationship with Henry Laurens; privateer fitted out of St. Augustine. Newspaper notice - 1785 died.
George Backhouse, 113 - Was at St. Augustine, West Florida as late as 1785; land grant on Abaco and on Watlings, Bahamas.
Isaac Baillou, 114 - Father James was early settler of Savannah, Georgia. Married Tabitha Anderson; member of assembly; involved in silk industry in province. Attainted on treason; property confiscated at Chatham. Bought house at St. Augustine, West Florida; then plantation in New Providence, Bahamas. Merchant and vendue master at Nassau; died 1823.
James Baird, 121 - Probably from North Carolina then to West Florida where he was interested in political issues. Wife's name Catherine. Obtained land in Bahamas and was elected representative for Long Island in assembly.
George Barry, 124 - Native of Barbados and settled in Georgia before war. Estate confiscated and taken prisoner. Escaped to St. Augustine 1778, then to Bahamas. Retreated to East Florida when Spain seized Bahamas 1782; to England in 1783; family in New York; 1785 returned to Nassau and became receiver general of the islands. Died 1789.
William Barton (Senior and Junior), 126 - Senior came to Bahamas from South Carolina after war; first a shopkeeper, then planter with large plantation on Andros Island at place called High Point. Had to give up plantation when Spanish arrived, 1782. Junior, of Nassau, died in 1816, before his father.
Andrew Bayne, 129 - Sea captain from Sunbury, Georgia. Arrived at Nassau 1784 and next year sailed for London. Died 1794.
Dr. Francis Begbie and his son Alexander, 131 - Both of Georgia; Francis had been surgeon in Georgia Rangers protecting frontiers; both he and son go to Bahamas. Son granted land on Long Island, Bahamas and was merchant and in business with Walter Turnbull, another refugee from East Florida. Son also member of council and deputy assistant commissary general. Died 1814.
James and William Begbie, 133 - William - shipwright or ship builder in South Carolina; went to St. Augustine until British took Charleston back 1780-81; then to Bahamas at end of war. Daniel Manson was partner shipbuilding partner in South Caroline and Bahamas. William and James - notice in newspaper of intention to sail to England as of 1786. May have returned to South Carolina.
John Bell, 135 - 1777 granted 1000 acres in West Florida near Mississippi River. Wife was Phoebe.
Major Johnathan Belton, 137 - South Carolina loyalist; got grant of land on Abaco, Bahamas, 1789. May have returned to South Carolina.
Peter Bethume, 138 - Cabinetmaker at New Providence, Bahamas; land grant 1791; married Ellen 1788; died 1800 in Bahamas.
Cornelius Blanchard, 140 - Left New York with other loyalists arriving at Abaco, Bahamas in 1783; member of house of representatives in assembly. Wife was Sarah.
William Augustus Bowles, 142 - Born around 1764 in Frederick County, Maryland. Commissioned ensign in Maryland Loyalists 1778, age 14; left next year while at Pensacola, West Florida and married daughter of Creek Nation chief and became leader among. Returned and fought with British; at siege and defeat of Pensacola 1781. 1786-90 spent most of time in Nassau making frequent voyages to and from continent shipping supplies to his Indian friends. After 1792 living with Creek. With encouragement from officials, attempted to disrupt trade in area; imprisoned by Spanish.
William Bowman, 160 - From South Carolina, he and wife, Mary, arrived in Nassau in 1784 from East Florida. 1786 advertised he was leaving islands; granted land in Halifax County, Nova Scotia.
Isaac Bunting, 160 - Married Sarah Cotton 1785; granted land in Nassau 1792. Died in Bahamas 1794.
John Boyd, 161 - Probably banished from South Carolina. 1779 elected representative for Nassau; also became speaker of House of Assembly. Various grants of land, mostly in New Providence. Died 1792.
James Braynen, 164 - Returned to Exuma, Bahamas probably late 1783; 1789 grant of land on Great Exuma; next year sold a house there and moved to Nassau. Justice of the Peace title in newspaper for 1808. Moved to Berry Island where he made his will.
James Brisbane, 166 - Native of South Carolina; member of St. Andrew's Society in 1764. Ardent loyalist; hurled off to jail in 1776 to interior of South Carolina. On attainted list and property confiscated. During evacuation of Charleston, left for England with 2 sons and sent in claims for losses. Settles in Nassau with third wife, Margaret; received grant of land on Andros Island. Died 1794.
The Reverend James Brown, 174 - Schoolmaster in Savannah, Georgia, native of Scotland. Fled Georgia in 1777 for England. Minister in Pensacola, West Florida and minister at Nassau as of 1785. He officiated the marriages of various loyalists there.
Montfort Browne, 177 - Served in French and Indian War. Major landholder in West Florida; granted land there 1764. Commanded Prince of Wales American Regiment during American Revolution. Left his regiment in 1778 but did not give up command. Served as lieutenant governor of West Florida, 1766-69; acting governor from 1767, and governor of Bahamas 1774-1780.
Thomas Brown, 183 - Loyalist from South Carolina and Georgia. Badly treated by patriots in 1775; assumed leadership in back country working with Indian allies. Went to St. Augustine 1776; commissioned to raise corps of rangers called East Florida Rangers. Property in South Carolina confiscated. Appointed provincial lieutenant colonel in Kings (Carolina) Rangers. 1782 relocated to St. Augustine, West Florida. Grants of land: large one at Eight Mile Bay in Abaco; after a year or two moved himself and those enslaved to Grand Caicos, Bahamas; raised cattle and cotton. Married Esther Farr. Elected representative for Exuma in assembly. Moved to St. Vincent as land unprofitable in Bahamas.
Andrew Bruce, 195 - Refugee of Shelburne, Nova Scotia as of 1784. Left Shelburne and went to Nassau; died in Bahamas 1797.
John Buckley, 197 - Originally from England; staunch loyalist. To Nassau from East Florida; land grant on Long Island, Bahamas. Also lived in Nassau and may have worked as tailor and habitmaker.
George Butler, 199 - From Connecticut. Store in Nassau selling things such as flour, corn and lumber. Representative in assembly for Harbour Island.
John Christie, 200 - Was either from West Florida with grants of land or from New York and filed claim for losses. Enterprising businessman: shipping agent, ship owner, and storekeeper. Active in Bahamas politics; member of assembly as early as 1785.
Adam Christie/Chrystie, 202 - Native of Scotland; wealthy planter in West Florida; arrived before June 1774. Speaker of House of Assembly and had raised 2 troops of dragoons. Captain in West Florida Royal Foresters and at siege of Pensacola. Period from evacuation to 1790 in Britain, where he was chairman of the Committee of West Florida Proprietors. Later, secretary of Bahamas and member of council. Died 1812.
Richard Combauld, 212 - From West Florida. There was commissary and paymaster of Royal Artillery. Also deputy clerk to West Florida governor, and member of council. Bahamas - member of Christ Church.
Andrew Deveaux Senior, 213 - South Carolina planter family. Born 1735; wife Catherine Barnwell (died 1767). Took leading role for British in Beaufort area. Estate confiscated. Refugee in Charleston 1782. Went to St. Johns, East Florida, then senior and junior went to Bahamas when Florida was ceded to Spain 1783. There had large plantation of cotton at Cat Island. Died there 1814.
Major Andrew Deveaux Junior, 219 - Son of Andrew Deveaux, Senior of South Carolina. Lived with father at outbreak of war. Appointed officer in Royal Foresters; afterwards major of Granville County Militia. Refugee at evacuation of Charleston 1782. From St. Augustine with other loyalists, went on expedition to Nassau in 1783 to overthrow Spanish at Bahamas (Spain had captured in 1782). Detailed account given. Granted land on Long Island, Bahamas. Maintained residence in England and visited Bahamas often; then moved to New York. Died 1812.
Seth Doud, 236 - Resided in East Florida since 1750; granted land in West Florida sometime after 1769. Married Susannah Kipp 1783. On Bahamas lived in Nassau at first with general store. 1791 moved to Cat Island, Bahamas, had property called Orange Grove and land near Pigeon Bay.
Alexander Drysdale, 243 - Born in Edinburgh, Scotland. In business in Charleston during last years of war - merchant and co-owner of vessels, such as brig Rebecca, registered at Charleston, 1780. When Charleston evacuated in 1782, went to St. Augustine, East Florida. Married Sarah Johnston, 1787. In 1793 joined his relatives (one being John Drysdale) on Long Island and became cotton planter.
John Drysdale, 249 - Bought 260 acres on Long Island, Bahamas, 1793, beside land owned by Alexander Drysdale.
George Eden, 251 - When Carolina evacuated, went with his family to East Florida. Hired by Colonel Josiah Tattnal in 1782.
Jesse Goldsmith, 252 - Among refugees in East Florida from Province of Carolina. Married widow of George Eden, 1786. Received land grant on Long Island, Bahamas, 1789.
Peter Edwards, 253 - Georgia loyalist, banished 1776. Went to St. Augustine, East Florida where had large grant of land and lived there until evacuation 1782. In Florida was secretary to Governor Tonyn, and clerk of the assembly. During evacuation, responsible for keeping record of expenses. Cotton planter as of 1785 in New Providence; property bounded "Clifton" at western end of island. Elected clerk of the assembly, 1789.
Joseph Eve, 261 - Philadelphia, Pennsylvania raised. Father, Orwell, mariner and ship chandler, was a loyalist who lost his property. Joseph moved to Bahamas and became a cotton planter on Cat Island, then known as San Salvadore. His father received a land grant on Cat Island too. He invented wind-turned cotton gin while on Bahamas; and in 1800 became editor of Bahama Gazette newspaper. Joseph removed to South Carolina in 1800 (unfortunately, his father died before this); but after cotton gin manufacturing building burnt in 1805, moved to Augusta, Georgia where his brother was. Son was Dr. Joseph Adams Eve.
John Falconer, 332 - Arrived in Pensacola, West Florida, 1769; received more than 1 grant of land, one near the Mississippi River. Forced to leave; went to Nassau in Bahamas. Death announcement in Bahama Gazette in 1793.
Reeves Fowler, 334 - Doctor who settled at Nassau. Believed stagnant water and filth main cause of epidemic. Was member of council. Death about 1810 as estate sale notice in Bahama Gazette that year.
Peter Galloway, 336 - Became involved with Nelsons of North Carolina and married Sarah Nelson. In Nassau in 1784. Before July 16, 1789 had moved to Long Island, Bahamas where he acted as justice of the peace.
Henry Glenton, 338
James Gordon, 343
Michael Grant, 348 - Obituary states he had been resident of West Florida when he began 29 years of service to British King. After capture of Mobile in 1780, took refuge at Pensacola. When that town was taken a year later and West Florida lost to Spanish, seems to have been sent with Brigadier General Campbell, Adam Christie/Chrystie and others to New York. Then went to Abaco and by 1784 was acting judge and in 1788 governor appointed him to be judge of Court of Slave Trials. Three wives: Elizabeth, Ann Brown in 1786, and Sarah Baillou.
Amelia Kelsall, 352 - Exiled South Carolinian; sister of Roger Kelsall; went to Bahamas with brother and died of heart attack 1786.
John Kelsall, 354 - Namesake of Roger's father and son. Father native of Britain who settled in South Carolina and owned large plantation near Beaufort; died 1772. John's son (born 1766) married Lucretia Moultrie, daughter of John Moultrie, former lieutenant governor of East Florida. Son settled in Bahamas and built plantation at Little Exuma called the "Hermitage." Became elected to General Assembly as member for Exuma in 1790, vice-admiralty judge and speaker of the assembly before dying 1803.
Roger Kelsall, 367 - Successful merchant like father, John, and owned large plantations with numerous enslaved people, growing cotton. Moved to Georgia before the Revolution at Sunbury. Was partner of James Spalding's in leading Indian trade company from Georgia to East Florida. Was military colonel during war. At end of Revolution, forced to leave and went to live and work in East Florida, where he held property. Then established himself at Nassau, Bahamas and held estate called Pinxton on Exuma where tried to grow cotton, and exported salt. His finances suffered as soil poor. Died 1788.
William Bellinger Kelsall, 380 - Brother of Roger Kelsall who followed his brother to the Bahamas from South Carolina. Died 1791 leaving widow, Mary Elizabeth and 4 daughters. Established an estate on Little Exuma near his brother called Pinxton.
Dr. John Lorimer, 386
John Martin, 388
James Audley Maxwell, 394
Alexander McKay, 396
John Miller, 404
Simon Munro, 414
William Ogilvie, 416
Richard Pearis, 419
Thomas Roker, 422 - From Philadelphia; had extensive properties on the Out Islands of Bahamas. Was elected speaker of the General Asembly.
Alexander Ross, 438
Thomas Stevens, 442
William Walker, 443 - Left island of St. Vincent in 1777 for West Florida due to shortages during war. Brought his "slaves' and received land grants near Mississippi River. Forced to leave when Spanish took Pensacola in 1781. Was in Nassau as of the end of the war and received land at Crab Key on Exuma. Had serious interest in horticulture and exotic plants. Elected to General Assembly for Exuma in 1789 but appears to have left for St. Vincent in 1790. His daughter, Betsey, married loyalist Walter Brown in 1790. He had come from Georgia by way of East Florida. William stayed interested and engaged in Bahamas, such as trying to establish a botanical garden.
Willoughby Weaver, 447
Edmund Rush Wegg, 450
Anne Bellinger Wilkins, 452 - Roger Kelsall's aunt, who joined the Kelsall family as her husband, Archibald Wilkins, had died in America. She lived at her estate called Sabine Fields, on Little Exuma.
Jacob Winfree, 456 - Came from Georgia to Little Exuma on the Bahamas. Had been involved militarily in French and Indian War. Had land near Natchez, Mississippi and was active in West Florida against the Spanish military as they moved east. Incident saw him captured by "Indians" and condemned to death by the Spanish to be pardoned by Spanish governor. Land on Little Exuma includes area now known as Paradise Beach; as well as land on Great Exuma including much of present George Town. Donated land for church and contributed land to establish town along waterfront. Appears to have been friends with fellow loyalist, John Cruden.
John Winniett, 459 - Formerly from Massachusetts Bay Colony. There is a senior and junior. John Jr. was a loyalist who went with British troops to Halifax, Nova Scotia when Boston was evacuated in 1776. He is in East Florida as of late 1782 and left with other loyalists at the end of the war to the Bahamas, getting land in Exuma. Twice elected to serve in General Assembly as representative from Exuma in 1785 and 1786. As a loyalist struggling for stronger representation in government, he refused to serve until the Assembly properly constituted. He appears to have returned to Massachusetts shortly thereafter.
John Wood, 469 - Little Exuma, Bahamas settler.
The Wylly Family, 477
The Zubly Family, 482 |
Originals: | The original records are held by Harvard University Library. |
Archival Ref. No.: | |
Finding Aids: | A brief table of contents, a preface, and a forward containing background information on the Loyalists and their exile, as well as an alphabetical name index with page references to the biography of each person or family, are all available at the beginning of the reel.The table of contents and name index are available in print. |
Electronic Finding Aid Record: | |
Notes: |
Title page on microfilm: Records of Some Southern Loyalists. Being a collection of mauscripts about some 80 families, most of whom immigrated to the Bahamas during and after the American Revolution. Collected and written by Lydia Austin Parrish (Mrs. Maxfield Parrish) from about 1940 to 1953. Sorted, indexed and bound by Maxfield Parrish Jr. (Literary Executor). |
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